Review & Giveaway! Night Moves by Andrea Smith


Night Moves (G-Man #3) by Andrea Smith
Meatball Taster Publishing (November 21, 2013)

Rating: B
Heat: Hot

Heroine: Darcy Sheridan – Spoiled, Grew Up 
Hero: Easton Matthews – Manwhore, Trust Issues






Darcy Sheridan has just caught her boyfriend screwing one of his co-workers. Hurt and humiliated, she took off to Beliz for the holidays to mend her heart. While there, she met E.J., a sexy British man. There was an instant electrifying lust and attraction between them. However, E.J. was not alone; he was with his assistant aka his fuck buddy. That didn’t stop Easton and Darcy from having a panty melting moment later on. When they parted ways, he made it abundantly clear he will see her again. They ran into each other months later at Darcy’s best friend’s wedding, where she found out E.J. is Easton Matthews and the groom’s best man and half-brother.

Easton wants the beautiful, sassy, sexy, and intriguing Darcy with a fierce need. She reminds him of someone from his past and, for whatever reason, he needed to get her out of his system. And he needed to punish her saucy attitude with many spankings. Easton fiercely pursues Darcy, who finally relents and takes him up on his one night stand offer… and has the best, mind blowing sex of her life. When their worlds collide again, Darcy and Easton end up in a whirlwind affair. Darcy knows she’s become quite infatuated with Easton, but also knows the arrogant, bossy, demanding man is not good for her. But, in spite of herself, she ends up falling hard for him.

He was quietly ruining me, wrecking me, shattering me on a low pulse for any other man. He owned me, and I was happily being captured.’ –Darcy

Okay, I admit… I thought Darcy was a dreadfully immature heroine in the beginning of the story – which I figured out later was the point. Darcy grew up privileged and – ahem – spoiled rotten. Her parents doted on her; always giving her everything she ever wanted. Then they decided their twenty-two year old daughter needed to start forging her own path, so they pushed her out of the nest. Then her father took away her first class ticket to the top of his company. No sooner than I thought I couldn’t handle Darcy anymore, I was surprised by how much Darcy’s character evolved from a spoiled brat to a smart and confident woman that learned how to take care of herself and own up to her mistakes. She just needed the motivation to show how independent and successful she could be. I ended up loving Darcy’s character with her crazy and quirky personality. She still does some things that had me shaking my head in exasperation, yet also laughing at her antics. The girl has spunk and fire that’s for sure. And she held her own against Easton, who is an intimidating and very dominating man to go up against.

Easton, Easton, Easton… I can’t help myself. I love asshole heroes. And Easton definitely has assholery tendencies, not to mention, he’s the epitome of a manwhore. He fucks women and never gives them anything more. He makes no apologies for the man he is. Which all boils down to his trust issues when it comes to women. His dark issues are deeply rooted in him, stemming from his selfish, horrible mother, and branches out from there with a woman from his past. Easton went through a lot growing up and we are shown through flashbacks from his past exactly what he went through. I developed empathy for the man and understood him better. Meeting and pursuing Darcy turned out to be way more than he anticipated. But he couldn’t keep himself from growing enamored with her; unable to let her go yet unable to let her in to his heart. Easton is a complex man.

This couple is a hot mess and complicated to say the least. I took a ride on an emotional crazy train for sure. But there is no denying the deep connection and scorching hot chemistry between them, even with their issues. Sometimes their issues made me laugh-out-loud and sometimes they hurt my heart. And sometimes I just wanted to bang their stubborn heads together and tell them to be honest and TALK. I did love seeing the relationship go from purely physical to deeper and meaningful, but they continued to play the cat and mouse game; always dancing around their feelings for one another, mainly because Easton fought his feelings for Darcy every step of the way. And Easton’s secrets continued to put a wedge between them, which added a lot of angst and drama to the story. Though, by the end, the love and passion they have for one another is what won out among the rest of the bull crap they went through.

Night Moves is fun, witty, smart, smoking hot, emotional, frustrating, maddening, heartbreaking, and romantic. I was surprised by how much I loved this book after I got over the dreadful spoiled brat stage the heroine went through. It was highly entertaining and a page turner. This is my first book by Andrea Smith and will not be my last. She has gained a new fan of her work. I definitely plan to go back and read the first two books in the G-Man series. But this book can be read as a stand-alone.


About the Author

Andrea Smith is an Ohio native, currently residing in southern Ohio. Ms. Smith is the mother of two grown sons; grandmother of four. The 'Baby Series' trilogy is Ms. Smith's first self-published work. Having previously been employed as an executive for a global corporation, Ms. Smith decided to leave the corporate world and pursue her life-long dream of writing fiction.

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