Author Guest Post: Tara Sue Me Shares Her Favorite Romances!

Today we are excited to have Tara Sue Me with us, author of the BDSM erotic romance trilogy that has captivated millions and garnered more than 8.5 million views online! The Submissive, the first book in the trilogy, is currently only available in e-book format but will be released in paperback in June.

Let’s give Miz Me a round of cyber applause and a warm welcome. Take it away, Tara!




There’s little I love more than curling up with a good book. One of the reasons why I love my Kindle is that I can carry around two thousand books without actually carrying around two thousand books. Today, I thought I’d share some of my favorite romances. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new favorite!

Best “You Can’t Call That A Romance!” Romance – OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon

Jamie and Claire. That’s all I really have to say, because if you haven’t read OUTLANDER, we can’t be friends. (I kid. I kid. I have several friends who haven’t read it. I just look at them funny.)

I’ve been following Jamie and Claire’s journey since the publication of OUTLANDER and I’ll tell you, for no one else would I wait YEARS in between books and then buy in hardback on release day. History, drama, mystery, romance, you name it, this series has it. In spades.

There aren’t enough words to convey my love for these books and yet, I could spend all day trying. I’ll just say, read it, you won’t be disappointed.

Best “He Did It. No, He Did It. Wait. She Did It?” Romance - Anything by Karen Rose

I won a copy of a Karen Rose book some years ago. When I finished it, I went out and bought her entire backlist. I’ve tried reading other romantic suspense authors, but I’ve never found one who could both keep my on my toes with the plot and make me swoon with the romance.

Rose’s books have the prefect mix of suspense, romance, and action. I also like how her book’s characters are slightly intertwined throughout the novels.

Best “Once Upon A Time, In A Land Far, Far Away…” Romance – BLACK HAWK by Joanna Bourne

This one was tough, because I read a lot of historical romance. And I’m being a bit unfair because you really need to read Bourne’s other books to truly appreciate the romance in BLACK HAWK. But this one tops my list for many reasons.

Bourne has a way with words no other author I’ve read has. The way she pieces a sentence together amazes me. Then you add in her ability to bring out emotion and I’m a reader for life.

Best “What Do You Mean There’s No Sex?” Romance – REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers

That’s right, not only are there no detailed sex scenes, this is also a Christian romance. In short, it’s a retelling of the book of Hosea, set in California during the gold rush. The story is powerful and it’s one of the few books I’ve read over and over. It’s rare that a book gets to me, but this is one of them. Trust me, the story will stick with you long after you finish.

Best “Wait a Minute, Wait a Minute. Wait. A. Minute. Don’t You Read Any BDSM?” Romance – MAKE ME, SIR by Cherise Claire

I actually don’t read many BDSM romances, but I love Cherise Claire. Her entire Shadowlands series is excellent, it just so happened that I truly enjoyed MAKE ME, SIR. I do recommend, however, that you read the series in order.

I think what sets Clair’s books apart for me is her combination of sexy-as-hell alpha dominants, feisty submissives, and emotional love scenes. Plus, I always learn something when I read one of her books (Hello? Chemical play, anyone?).

So those are a few of my favorites. What are some of yours?


About the Author

Tara Sue Me wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. It would be twenty years before she picked up her pen to write the second.

After completing several traditional romances, she decided to try her hand at something spicier and started The Submissive. What began as a writing exercise quickly took on a life of its own. An avid reader of all types of fiction, she soon discovered she enjoyed writing a variety as well.
Tara lives in the Southeastern United States with her family, two dogs, and a cat.

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