Hello everyone! Please welcome author Brooklyn James to Romantic Book Affairs—author of one of my favorite coming-of-age novels, The Boots My Mother Gave Me. Her latest release, Let It Go, is about love in all its stages: new, old, happy, and... not.
You can read my reviews of Miz James titles here: The Boots My Mother Gave Me and Let It Go!
Miz James is also giving away one Kindle copy of Let It Go!
Let’s chat!
In the past, Brooklyn, you've written across genres (coming of age, women's fiction, supernatural thriller, nonfiction). How would you classify your upcoming release, Let It Go?
Brooklyn: Let It Go is a feel-good contemporary romance about two divorcées starting over. One divorcé and one divorcée, if you want to get gender-technical...lol. It's a laid-back, easy, breezy, fun spring/summer read. Perfect for the season.
Two divorcées? That's probably something many readers can relate to?
Brooklyn: I think so. It's strange, really. How perspectives can change when an individual goes through a divorce rather than simply having a friend or family member who has experienced the process. As most writers, I find inspiration in my own life's experience. Before I went through my own separation, ultimately ending in divorce, I used to hear about divorce and think, 'Oh, that's sad. I'm sorry for those folks. That has to be really hard.' Once I experienced my own, I realized it's not so sad after all. I mean, I guess it is, to an extent. But usually it simply becomes a necessity, if and when it gets to that point of no return.
I went through all the steps...the grieving process I guess you'd call it. Shame, guilt, resentment, hurt feelings. It's not easy, accepting defeat. Accepting the fact that you hurt someone, especially someone you once were in love with, and in turn, became hurt by their sentiments or actions. And depending on the number of years spent with that individual, it's tough to know when to let it go.
But at the end of the day, once the smoke clears...it's liberating, to be able to accept that change and move on, embracing hopefully a pleasant and tender future by letting go of the past. You know, honor it for what it was, a moment or a chapter in your life, lock it in the memories box and start anew. I should point out that in my experience and in the characters' experiences in the book, there are no children involved. That would certainly provoke a completely different dimension. I didn't want to go that deep with the novel, just the adult experience.
In your synopsis, you allude to your lead characters, Brody and Savannah, both divorcées, “falling into the sheets for a one-night stand.” Does that one-night stand turn into more?
Brooklyn: Well now, you'll have to read the book to find out! I think in most any situation, individuals with like experiences certainly find it comforting to take shelter in one another. Going through something, such as a divorce, can certainly be life changing. If you happen upon someone with a similar experience, it's as if they already understand where you're coming from emotionally. They get it. Having that camaraderie already established is a nice foundation for a relationship or a love affair to prosper.
And the human condition is fascinating to me, when it comes to personal and professional. Most of us, if we lose or quit one job, we trek off in search of another, with hope and optimism that it can and will turn out better than the one we had. Right? Whereas, in relationships, we tend to build walls and protect our hearts after losing at love, afraid of getting hurt again or ultimately failing. The book speaks to that, fighting for what you want in your personal and love life as much as in your professional life. You know, putting yourself out there. 'Getting back on the horse,' one might say.
Tell us why the readers would want to have a romantic book affair with Brody McAlister, aka, gym boy.
Brooklyn: Hmm...Brody McAlister, I say with a dreamy sigh. Brody's a good man. I stress man, because as a thirty-something year old, I appreciate a leading man. One whose confident and secure in himself. One whose lived a bit and learned from those experiences, evolving into a dependable and respectable man. No game playing. In my early twenties I may have been tempted by a few bad boy types. But as I graduated into my late twenties and early thirties, I realized most bad boy types are that way for a reason and they usually plan to stay as such. I'm not big on a man I have to work to change. I like a man who comes to a woman correct.
Brody is ruggedly handsome with an exterior fully equipped to rattle any red-blooded female. But internally, he's warm, playful and captivating. He provides us with a mature male perspective. He's logical in life and in love with a dating and mating 'must-haves' checklist, which becomes a point of contention and humor as he and Savannah get to know each other.
Savannah gives him the moniker gym boy as that is the place she first sees him. Divorce has a way of pushing one into the gym, be it a diversionary tactic or hot pursuit of what Hollywood calls the 'revenge body.' I never had so many good-looking, toned-bodied friends as after the deterioration of a relationship...lol! Gym boy is her guilty pleasure, you could say. The unknowing stranger, a delicious and sometimes torturous inspiration to her mind's eye and empty bed of way too long. However, mortified upon his introduction—surely he can't measure up to the man she has made him out to be in her mind. I think we do that often as women. See a desirable man and ultimately conjure up some ideation of what or who he is. Wouldn't it be great to be pleasantly surprised in our assumptions!
I see you have a 'pesky ex-husband' and his 'jealous new girlfriend' as part of the ensemble. I would surmise there will be some conflict with that?
Brooklyn: Of course! Everybody processes things differently, right. We have Savannah, who is letting go and attempting to move on, although her head and heart are at a tug-of-war with trusting her instincts in the relationship department, after one failed marriage. Then, we have the pesky ex-husband, who would rather dig his heels in with a choke-hold, all the while helping himself to the dating pool. I believe they call that 'having your cake and eating it too!'
This allows us to experiment with the double-standards for divorcées, in a satirical way. How divorced men are often encouraged to get right back out there and dive off the deep-end. 'The best way to get over someone is to get under or on top of someone else,' train of thought. Whereas, oftentimes, women are encouraged to take it slow, dipping their toe in the dating pool, before taking the big plunge, be it a steady relationship or simply sex. Talk about nerve-wracking, bittersweet and empowering all at the same time...sex post split. Anyone who has experienced a break up after a long-term relationship can relate to that feeling!
And the 'jealous new girlfriend,' I guess that's all about perception. Readers can decide for themselves just how jealous or not she is. But her inclusion allows for a climactic meeting of the two women, at the persuasion of the 'pesky ex-husband.' Talk about uncomfortable! This was one of my favorite scenes to write. I mean, imagine if you had to meet your ex's new partner over drinks. Not exactly the ideal Friday night date. The scene allows the reader to follow their socially appropriate exterior dialogue as their inner NOT so socially appropriate monologues play out over the course of the meeting. It's fun, in a 'devil on my shoulder' kind of way to explore their internal catty commentary.
You also have Savannah's 'advice-giving' older sisters, 'one seemingly happily married' and the other 'fiercely single.' How do they play into the storyline?
Brooklyn: They provide comic relief. We have Jacqueline “Jac,” the fiercely single sister, who moonlights as a blocker for The Pulverizing Peaches roller derby team. She's something else! The 'don't take no shit off no one' kind of girl. Her perspective is comical, and mostly brutally honest. She's the one friend you go to when you want the truth, even if it's not exactly what you want to hear.
And Evangeline “Vangie,” the happily married sibling. She's Supermom and Superwife. The one who always puts family and marriage first. She's the one friend you go to when you want a hot cup of tea and encouraging conversation.
The sisters viewpoints, much like their personalities, are very different, which allows readers to explore the counter opinions. I love contrasts. Every story, every theory has two sides. Being the youngest of three girls, I know this scenario all too well. I've looked up to and admired my sisters all of my natural life, and they are quick to let me know where they stand.
We love to cast our main characters at Romantic Book Affairs. Who would you cast as Brody and Savannah? As I read Let it Go, Stuart Reardon kept popping in my head.
Brooklyn: OMGooooooodness! Stuart Reardon...da da da da dah :) I did not know of this fine specimen. Thank you for the introduction. And yes...he is the PERFECT Brody...regardless of eye color. Heck, I think I would rewrite the script for that man! So yeah, let's go with him for sure.
As far as Savannah, I'm thinking either Diane Kruger or Jessica Biel. Jessica Biel definitely has that smokin' hot athletic bod to match Stuart's. And she pulls off the girl-next-door thing real well. When I watch her in films, I can relate. She seems very approachable and humble. I like that about her. And she looks great as a dirty blonde. Diane Kruger is great, too. But pretty much everything I've ever seen her in (i.e. Helen of Troy) has been a drama, so I guess I kind of see her as a bit more mature. Savannah's the youngest sister, so I feel like she should have a quirkiness to her...maybe not quite as confident and alluring as Diane Kruger...she's very come-hither...lol. So, yeah, Jessica Biel it is!
Now, if it was Jac we were casting, I would say hands-down, Pink!
Let It Go, seems very different from your first novel, The Boots My Mother Gave Me, which was a coming of age story about a young girl overcoming an abusive childhood.Very heavy on subject matter and substance with that book. You've had nice success with that one as an Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarter Finalist. And your Vigilare supernatural thriller trilogy was pretty dark, too, focusing on heavier subject matter. Any reservation in writing a strictly 'feel-good' contemporary romance?
Brooklyn: Sure. 'Boots' being my first book, I tend to gauge everything else I write from that manuscript. However, as a writer, I like to stretch and see if I can execute other vibes and genres. I think there is certain subject matter that deserves a certain finesse and attention, such as abuse. You have to be very objective and delicate with the delivery of that information. However, it's nice to be able to sit down with a blank page and write a light-hearted discourse about a subject, such as divorce, that can be quite heavy as well.
I think every book is different. You have to set your tone on the first page so that readers know what to expect. 'Boots' was definitely more philosophical, deep and introverted. There was a lot to take away from that book. Let It Go is upbeat and whimsical, as was intended. I didn't want to delve off into the ramifications of divorce so much as I wanted to focus on accepting the change that it entails, ultimately accepting a new season of life. And everything I write has a love story, even Vigilare. I cannot fathom creating characters without a chemistry, a tension of some sort that results in rewarding readers with that human connection. As a writer, you can do that with angst and furry or you can do that with ordinary attraction of the most normal type, something sweet and building. Does it burn or does it smolder? 'Boots' definitely burns, whereas, Let It Go smolders. Both giving out to the same resolution, just a different journey.
And frankly, it's nice sometimes, to simply tell a very ordinary story. To provide an easy, breezy, fun read that folks can take to the beach or the couch, find themselves entertained and satisfied. Let It Go doesn't have a dramatic love triangle, it doesn't have a lot of havoc and drama, there's no shocking twist at the end. It's a very real and simple love story about letting go of our past baggage and embracing new possibilities. I'm hoping I've done a nice job in my character building and weaving of the cast and storyline so that readers will come away from the book with a contented feeling.
I quite like the contemporary romance genre. I'm working on another currently, entitled Just Not Ready Yet, about a young widow starting over. Guess you could say, letting go is a theme for me this year! Although Just Not Ready Yet will be a bit deeper read than Let It Go, simply by virtue of subject matter. It will, however, be a contemporary romance, just a different overall tone.
Thank you so much Romantic Book Affairs for the opportunity! If your readers are interested in adding Let It Go to their tbr list, they can do so on Goodreads.
About the Author Brooklyn James is an author/singer/songwriter inspired by life in the Live Music Capital of Austin, Texas. Her first novel, The Boots My Mother Gave Me, has an original music soundtrack and was chosen as a Quarter Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards. This book has ranked in Kindle's Top 100 Coming of Age and Women's Fiction. Her supernatural thriller trilogy, Vigilare, is an adaptation from a short narrative film, inspired by vigilante movies, such as The Punisher and Boondock Saints. Currently available are Vigilare and Vigilare: Hell Hound. She is avidly working on the last novel in the series, Vigilare: The Torch. Brooklyn's latest release, Get This Body In A Barn: The Milkmaid's Guide To Fitness, is available exclusively as an ebook. Inspired by her childhood growing up on a dairy farm, she offers basic and practical fitness and nutrition regimens in getting in shape. Coming in March 2013 and June 2013, a contemporary romance, Let It Go as well as the Prequel to the Vigilare trilogy and stand-alone contemporary romance, Jolie Blonde, which will have an accompanying original music soundtrack as well. She has been busy in studio at Wonderland Studios, Austin with production of the album. All songs from the soundtracks are written/co-written and performed by the author. Listen free at www.brooklyn-james.com or www.facebook.com/BrooklynJamesAuthor. Brooklyn's music can be found on Amazon, iTunes, CDBaby, Pandora and Jango online Radio. Her song Can't Get It Right was chosen for MEOW's (Musicians for Equal Opportunity for Women) 2012 Discoveries Jukebox, naming Brooklyn among the top 15 female singer/songwriters on the rise. Can't Get It Right was also in the top 3 out of 10,000+ entries in VO5's Red Hot Rising Stars Campaign. Jango Radio named her song Moving On to their Top 10 Songs of Summer. Brooklyn holds an M.A. in Communication, and a B.S. in both Nursing and Animal Science. Her nursing career has seen specialties in the areas of Intensive Care and Labor & Delivery. She performs as part of an acoustic duo in the local live music scene in Austin. Brooklyn also serves as Guest Speaker from time to time with a focus on awareness and prevention of Domestic Violence and Suicide. |
Find Brooklyn Online: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads |
Who else is excited to have a romantic book affair with Brody? We would love to know what you’re thinking! All comments from now till March 29th will be entered into the giveaway for ONE kindle copy of Let It Go!
Please leave your broken-up email address in your comment in order to be entered into the drawing (ie. nickname AT gmail DOT com, etc).
Stuart Reardon! I looove that man! Can't wait to meet Brody :) :)
ReplyDeletecarag2309 AT gmail.com
This just sounds lovely! Finding love again after a failed marriage, and if it sticks, is just great. Thanks for the chance! (:
ReplyDeletepurenamastee AT gmail DOT com
Brody sounds great, I can't wait to meet him and I love the plot line. Thanks for sharing the interview!
ReplyDeleteLMT62482 AT hotmail dot COM
:) Thanks!
Sounds like a great book.
ReplyDeletechill462000 At yahoo dot com
Sounds great!
ReplyDeletesgibby1642 At yahoo dot com
The book looks like a really good read..Finding love again is always a great feeling..adgali at ymail dot com
ReplyDeleteI'm always looking out for my next book boyfriend...Brody sounds like a good candidate. Really interested in his check list for dating.
ReplyDeleteandieleah78 AT gmail DOT com
This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeletemickalamurphy AT yahoo DOT com
This sounds like a good one...second chance at love after a failed marriage, definitely on my TBR list thank you so much for the giveaway. Great interview :)
tiffany_clark2010 at ATT dot com :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great book!
ReplyDeletepjmillion AT comcast DOT net
Definitely have it on my wishlist! Would love to romantic book affair with Brody:)
Would love to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteslwd34 @ yahoo dot com
Sounds like a great book!
belladonnasbookcorner (at)gmail (dot) com