Review: Unravel by Calia Read


Unravel by Calia Read
Calia Read (February 18, 2014)

Rating: B+
Heat: Hot

Heroine: Naomi Carradine – Possibly Crazy, Loves two men
Hero: Max – Successful, Loves Naomi
Hero: Lachlan – Loyal, Loves Naomi





What a fascinating, suspenseful, crazy book! It had me knots and made my head spin nearly the entire time. I do STRONGLY urge you not to skip to the last page or you’ll ruin the suspense and the buildup that leads to a shocking ending when the intricate storyline finally comes together.

In the beginning of the story we meet Naomi Carradine, our heroine, who has been involuntarily committed in a mental institution. We don’t know why she’s there or what happened to her. What we do learn is that her world is unraveling around her. The doctors think Naomi is making up stories about the people in her life, that they aren’t real and only in her head. But she is adamant about the truth and wants her doctor to believe her, which led to a lot of unspoken questions swirling around in my head: Is this girl even sane? Why was she committed? What brought her to this point? These questions and other questions I had are answered as Naomi’s story is told.

Naomi’s story alternates between the present, in the mental hospital, and the past. Naomi is in love with two men. Max is her current love interest. He’s the man who haunts her dreams and thoughts. And Lachlan is the boy next door she grew up with, forming a deep seeded connection with that turned into love. Then there is Lana, Naomi’s best friend, who is shy and meek. These best friends love each other something fierce and are always there for each other. Some bad things happen to Lana and Naomi tries to help. This sets things into motion that leads to Naomi being committed.

I love both Max and Lachlan. Both of them are sexy, sweet, and loyal. Both of them came across as the epitome of perfect with the way they love and cherish Naomi. They are both different but alike at the same time. And they both own a piece of Naomi’s heart. Mine as well! But I won’t delve any further into the story. The less you know the better.

The build up to the story was a slow but intense, suspenseful ride and totally addictive. There is nothing like the feeling of not knowing what is about to happen yet dying to know at the same time. My thoughts were spinning all around in my head. It did take me nearly the first half of the book to catch on to the mystery that drove the storyline. But the things I never caught on to shocked the hell out of me.

The romance element in the story is complex and beautiful and strong. It’s also an integral part of the story. The sex scenes are seriously raging hot! And very well-done! You’re probably wondering by now if this is a love triangle. That question will be answered as you read the story. My lips are sealed. *wink wink* But I will leave you with this quote I love…

My heart is stuck in my throat, as I look him over. I love him so much. I love him too much to be considered healthy. I know that.
"Someday, you're gonna get out of here." He utters the last of his words slowly. "And everything's going to be okay."
"Tell me what you're fighting and I'll fight with you."

Now, I would be lying to say the subject matter in Unravel isn’t sensitive. Calia Read writes a raw and painful story that gutted me. I must warn you this story has a rape scene written in a discreet way but still very disturbing. If that type of dark content easily disturbs you, then this book isn’t for you.

I loved Unravel because it was so different. It kept me engaged with the suspenseful and interesting storyline. There are a few questionable things about the story that seemed to be too easily resolved, but those things didn’t ruin the story for me. This book hooked immediately on the first page, making it impossible for me to put my Kindle down as I tried desperately to figure everything out. This book left an impression on me so much so that I continued to think about it for days after I was done with it. Go ahead and one-click this baby and get started because you don’t want to miss out on this one!

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