10 Reasons Why You Should Read… The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred
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The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred
2005-05-12 (Ellora's Cave)
Paula and I have compiled a list of our top ten reasons why we think you should give The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred a read. Seriously, you don’t want to miss this one!
10. It is currently only $1.49 on Kindle and Nook. At that price, what do you really have to loose? Paula and I both think it’s worth triple – quadruple – that or more. It’s worth every cent.
9. The setting. A small town in the south riddled with old fashioned values and chock full of busy bees and gossip mongers. The descriptions of southern cooking, the dialect filled with ‘yes sirs’ and ‘yes ma'am's’… combined with the beautiful scenery… It felt timeless.
8. The secondary characters are amazing. They add so much to the story and you will honestly care about them too—especially Grandpa French, aka Judge. He plays such an important role in both Alix and Nick’s lives.
7. You get to experience it all. From child to teen to adult—the highs and the lows—you don’t miss a thing. It is a true coming of age story. We watch the hero and heroine grow up and are right there while they experience… passionate consuming love, happiness, laughter, friendship, loss, betrayal, abuse, and regrets.
That was also the year I discovered Boys. Or maybe I should say they discovered me. By then I knew what they wanted and I wasn’t buying it.
6. Emotional purging. This book will make you cry. And cry. And then cry some more. Which, let's face it ladies, sometimes we need a good cry and don't have a reason to do so. Here is your reason.
There are more kinds of hurt than physical ones, hurts that run ever deeper and leave bigger scars, and not even Nick could protect me from himself.
5. Even though your eyes are swollen from crying so much, you'll have a smile on your face at the end. It'll put you through the ringer but it'll also leave you feeling happy and content.
4. It will give you the mother of all book hangovers. It’s been a week since we read it and this book and its characters are still on our minds. It consumes you and wiggles its way into your heart.
3. The love. It is palpable throughout the entire book. It is pure and beautiful and everlasting. No matter what they go through… It is always there and it’s the kind of love that lasts a lifetime.
“I promise you this. I’ll love you until the day I die even if I have to live without you. And if it’s fifty years from now, you come home, Nick Anderson. Do you hear me? I’ll be waiting on you.”
2. Alix is a heroine we can all relate to. She's smart and independent, confident and self-assured, without coming across perfect. She’s flawed, she makes mistakes.
To my surprise, Nick reached under his shirt and pulled out the half-heart pendant. With his gaze fixed on mine, he slid the chain over my head.
“No one should have to go through life with only half a heart,” he whispered.
1. Two words: Nick Anderson. Protective, honorable, gorgeous—he is one of the best heroes we’ve ever read. I don’t think there is any way you couldn’t fall in love with him the same as Alix.
Letitia’s Review: Click here for my complete and unfettered thoughts on The Sweet Gum Tree!
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