
To request a review, email us or use the contact form here. Please include title, author, genre, and a synopsis.

We accept both print and ebook formats. If an ebook, please make sure it is a Kindle approved file type (.azw, .mobi, .pdf, or .prc). We are members of NetGalley and Edelweiss.

We review both books that we purchase as well as those that have been provided by the publisher and/or author.

We aim to post at least one review per day, except on the weekends. All of our reviews are cross-posted on Goodreads and Amazon. We utilize both Twitter and Facebook as well.

Letitia prefers books that fall into the following categories: Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance, Erotica, and Urban Fantasy. She does also enjoy Young Adult, Mature YA, and some Contemporary Romance.

Paula prefers books that fall into the following categories: Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Mature YA. She does also enjoy some Young Adult and Erotica.

All reviews on this blog are one-hundred percent true opinions on the book being reviewed, by the reviewer, regardless of how it was acquired.