One Night Stand: True Love Story by Willow Aster
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True Love Story by Willow Aster
Willow Aster (February 17, 2013)
Heroine: Sparrow Fisher – Writer, Younger Woman
Hero: Ian Sterling – Musician, Older Man
Setting: USA
I loved this book. And then I hated it. And then I loved it again. Every relationship has its ups and downs. And Sparrow (love her name!) and Ian’s relationship definitely had its highs and lows. This story took me on a very emotional and rocky journey that made me laugh, cry, scream with frustration, and very happy at the ending.
“It has been a year, two months, and seventeen days since I last saw him. Two years, ten months, and five days since he had broken my heart-well, since I knew that he had broken my heart. Technically, he began breaking my heart the moment I met him, five years, eleven months, and one day ago.”
True Love Story begins with the prologue, present day. Sparrow and Ian run into each other at the airport, both on their way to the same destination. They haven’t seen each other in a long time after a very heartbreaking break up. When they realize they have seats side by side one another, could it be fate that brought them back together? As they are catching up on the plane, Sparrow, who was hurt deeply by Ian, reminds him exactly why they broke up.
Rewind five years. Sparrow Fisher is in a relationship with Michael, the perfect future husband. He adores Sparrow. Her parents adore Michael. But Sparrow just doesn’t feel that way about Michael. She wants to be single and free to expand her horizons, so she moves away to college with her awesome best friend, Tessa.
Before she leaves for college, she meets Ian Sterling, a very charming and sexy musician. The attraction between them is instant. The chemistry between them was so intense, it could almost be touched. When they speak, it's like everyone else around them instantly disappears. Unfortunately, they must go their separate ways. When they meet again, they end up spending a fun and exciting day together. That day, they both realize what they have together is special, but Ian is nine years older than Sparrow and travels a lot for his music. With only a sad goodbye spoken from Ian, he takes off on his Harley. And Sparrow has no idea if she will ever see him again. What she never expected is for her life to change forever after meeting Ian.
Sparrow is now single, living in New York, and going to school. Sparrow and Ian run into each other several times over a period of time. They end up becoming good friends with lots of sexual tension vibrating between them. Sparrow wants to be with Ian, but he remains distant and evasive. This is confusing to Sparrow because she knows there is a mutual attraction between them. Ian is always telling her with sweet words how much he adores her. And eventually tells her he loves her. But the problem with Ian is, he’s always on tour and comes and goes as he pleases in Sparrows life – never attempts to make a commitment with her. And when he does come back into her life, after disappearing for months at a time, he thinks they will just go back to their usual ways together. This is starting to piss Sparrow off and she’s reached her limit with Ian. She finally tells him how she feels. They mutually agree to form a committed relationship, but Ian still wants to give Sparrow the freedom to see other people.
Say What? I wanted to know why Ian doesn't want her to fully commit into the relationship, besides using the excuse that she needs to experience college life. If I was Sparrow, I would've been asking a whole lot of questions. But they never TALK about it. Sigh. All they had to do was talk. I felt completely and utterly frustrated with Sparrow’s passive behavior. She really needed to speak up.
The attraction and chemistry between these two was beautiful and intense. They understood each other and loved one another unconditionally. What they have together is definitely special. And even though I was frustrated with Ian some of the time, I found him just as irresistible as Sparrow. He’s a delicious treat with his sexy physique, poetic words, and the man writes music and plays the guitar - nothing sexier than a sultry voice and a guitar. So, with that said, I understood why Sparrow would continue to see Ian even if he remained aloof at times.
When Sparrow finally comes to her senses and demands some answers that she's been avoiding asking for a while now… Oh. My. God. I suspected the answer to this question, but I really didn’t expect to be reeling from the whole truth. Insert dagger in my heart. My intuition was right about Ian, but getting the whole truth was extremely painful. My stomach hurt. I wanted to curl up in a ball with Sparrow.
“Little Bird, our love has been hard-earned from the very beginning. It is more precious to me than anything on earth. I can't just let go of it. And I won't stop fighting for it."
Sigh. I really loved it when he called her Little Bird.
It was really sad to see this couple fall apart. Part of me didn’t want Sparrow to walk away, but at the same time I understood why she did. She couldn’t trust him anymore. And because of what Ian did, he not only broke Sparrow’s heart, but she changed mentally. She went from a carefree, outgoing, 'life is good' kind of person to someone who is distrustful and a man hater. But I don’t think it was just the trust issues towards men that truly kept her from moving on. She loved Ian with all her heart and soul. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. And that kind of true love is hard to get over.
I’m not trying to justify Ian’s actions, but I truly felt just how much he regretted his mistake. I almost melted into a puddle of mush reading just how sorry he was. Damn my mushy, romantic heart. But that doesn't mean I forgave him right away. Ian is still an ass for what he did.
What I like about this story is that it took years for Sparrow to finally forgive him. When they meet again on the plane, it really was like fate bringing them back together again. This time around things are different between Ian and Sparrow. They've both changed and matured and found peace within themselves. I really adored this sweet but bitter love story. The writing sucked me in and didn’t let me go until I was well and truly an emotional wreck. I will definitely be looking forward to reading more from Willow Aster.
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