One Night Stand: Reckless by S.C. Stephens
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Reckless (Thoughtless, #3) by S.C. Stephens
Gallery Books (March 5, 2013)
Heroine: Kiera Kyle – Rock Star’s Wife, Writer
Hero: Kellan Kyle – Rock Star, Lead Singer
Setting: USA
Reckless exceeded all of my expectations. This series and I have been through so much together. I have loved these books. I have hated these books. But mostly, I love them. They hold a very special place in my heart. It’s bitter sweet to say goodbye to these characters. When I reached the last page, I had to take a moment to let it all settle in and come to terms with the end. The ending has left me feeling gleefully happy. But, at the same time, I was sad because when it was over. S.C. Stephens has once again written another superb story that absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD.
In the beginning of Keira and Kellan’s love story, they struggle with their attraction for each other and become forbidden lovers. In the second part of their story, they are in a relationship, a very uneasy relationship where they must learn to overcome the lies and deceit their relationship was built on, as they are forced to be apart while Kellan goes on tour. They had to learn to trust one another. And finally, in the final part of their journey, they are now in a solid relationship. And, together as a power couple, they will begin another journey where they must fight their way to the top while dealing with more obstacles thrown at them as Kellan becomes a famous Rock God.
He would always want me near him. I would always be first in his eyes. We were a good match. A perfect match. Soul mates.
Reckless picks up where Effortless left off. Kellan and the D-Bags are now in Los Angeles getting ready to record the D-Bags first record. Kiera joins Kellan shortly after she graduates from college. This inseparable couple is determined to be together through it all. And while the band is touring, Kiera decides to write an autobiography of her relationship with Denny, her infidelity with Kellan, and how they eventually became a couple.
As the D-Bags rise to the top, they are more in the spotlight and being a Rockstar is not all that it’s cracked up to be. They must deal with invasion of privacy, greedy and manipulative managers, and a diva superstar who will stop at nothing to be famous. And, unfortunately for Kiera and Kellan, they must learn the hard way exactly how green they are when it comes to the music biz world.
As the punches come their way, Kiera and Kellan’s relationship is once again tested. But this time around, things are different with this couple. While the heart of this book is Kiera and Kellan together, Kiera truly shines in this book. She supported Kellan and pushed him to be the super rock star he was always meant to be. And even though rumors grow out of control, Kiera stood by my man. Oops, Fruedian slip. I meant her man.
“I will always love you, Kellan. Your heart is safe with me.”
Kellan pulled me into a hug and let out a long, shaky breath as he held me. “Promise?” he whispered.
I squeezed him just a little bit tighter. “I promise.”
Kiera has really evolved since the first book where she used to come across as a selfish, wish-washy, immature, and extremely shy person. Well, my lovelies, Kiera is not the same girl anymore. I really admired the way she pushes Kellan to be his best, even though some of the things he has to do are painful for Kiera. But, in the end, she loves Kellan and trusts him and would do anything to make him happy. Being a rockstar’s wife is not easy, and Kiera takes it all in stride the best way she knows how. Her support for Kellan alone truly showed just how self-less she has become. Watching her come into her own and seeing her strength in this story is a beautiful thing to read.
“I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”
Kellan is my ultimate favorite rockstar book boyfriend. The man is sexy as sin and a fabulous lover. Swoon. Crash. I just passed out on the floor. The alphabet has never been sexier. He may be sex on legs, but there is more to this man. He is kind, strong, and he loves Kiera unconditionally. She owns his heart. And all of the sweet and tender moments between them are absolutely swoon-worthy. He really comes into his own as well in this story. We learned in the beginning of the story how he suffered growing up in a loveless and abusive home. He’s never truly known love until he met Kiera. The kind of love they have together is extraordinary. Kellan has really come a long ways since his days of sleeping with a different girl each night. His journey may have been a painful one, but he has now found the love that he’s been looking for all his life within his wife, friends, family, and his adoring fans.
This really felt like a character driven story. Both Kiera and Kellan overcome a lot by the final installment of their story. Their insecurities and fears they used to feel are put to rest. They both grow more confident in themselves and their relationship, to be able to put all of their issues and problems behind them so they can move forward with their lives together.
This story has a lot less drama and angsty moments than the first two books. However, don’t get me wrong, there is still quite a bit of drama and angst that made my claws come out. There are some parts that made me furious and frustrated. Every time the diva-bitch strikes, I wanted to do bodily damage to her. I found a lot of admiration in Kellan and Kiera as they stayed true to each other during all of the drama that kept coming their way.
Kellan and Kiera weren’t the only ones who came into their own in this story. There is quite a bit of page time with Kiera’s sister, Anna, and Griffin, the D-Bags guitarist. I started to come around and like Griffin in Effortless. However, I absolutely loved Griffin in this book. He may be an idiot at times, well, most of the time, but he shows that he is more than a goofy, horndog. He really does care about Anna and the baby. I think the readers will be pleasantly surprised by the turn of events with these two.
Reckless is the perfect ending to a stellar series. Every single storyline gets closure. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending from a series that captivated me from the very beginning all the way to the end. Following along Kiera and Kellan’s journey was rocky and emotional, to say the least. The gamut of emotions I went through left me feeling breathless and dizzy at times. There were even times when I felt so frustrated and angry, my whole body shook. I’ve never felt so many high and lows while reading a book. Ever. But I’m so glad to be a part of this couple’s journey.
Miz Stephens made me an addict to this series and when this book ended, I had one hell of a book hangover. Thank you S.C. Stephens for sharing your heart and soul with three wonderful stories. I am forever a fan. And I will always be Kellan’s biggest fan. Rock on!
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