Twice as Nice Review: Fever by Maya Banks
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Fever (Breathless #2) by Maya Banks
Berkley Trade (April 2, 2013)
Heroine: Bethany – Homeless, Loyal
Hero: Jace Crestwell – Older Man, Controlling
Is it hot in here or is it just Jace Crestwell? Because, let me tell you, he is smoldering. Whew. That teaser we got in the back of Rush? Merely a small taste of the yumminess that is Mr. Crestwell and his assertive, commanding ways. Prepare yourself ladies!
Now that Mia is engaged and living with Gabe, Jace is an empty-nester. Even though he’ll always care and worry about Mia, he knows she’s in good hands with his best friend. So when he meets, and falls head over feet for, a waitress at Mia and Gabe’s engagement party, his friends become worried he’s trying to fill a void. That he needs someone new to take care of.
Bethany could definitely use some tender loving care. Homeless and working to keep food in her belly, Bethany lives in a world far apart from Jace’s. When he pursues her, finds her and rescues her, she has a hard time believing it’s real. Has a hard time believing his feelings for her are real.
And when Jace finally admits his need to control her, control everything in and out the bedroom, Bethany is willing to give him that. After years of fending for herself, she’s ready to let go. Let someone else take charge. She wants, desperately, to believe in Jace.
But Jace and his fiery temper don’t exactly help convince her. That man is explosive in good and bad ways. Explosive in bed: good. Explosive temper: bad. But Bethany, bless her, tries to take it all. All sides of him. Even though her soft and sweet nature is no match for all of his hard edges.
Jace and Bethany have a modern day Cinderella story going on. Or maybe it’s more of an updated, hooker-less Pretty Woman story? Hooker-less but infinitely more sexy and wicked. Jace is… well, I’d be happy to let him boss me around in the bedroom. And the shower. And in front of the fire. Or on the couch. You get the idea!
And even though I still hold a tendre in my heart for Gabe Hamilton, I fell hard for Jace too. The way he cares for Bethany, doesn’t let her withdraw into herself, and tries to boost her self-confidence… it was sexy as heck.
Fever was everything I’d hope for and more. Miz Banks can write deliciously heated and complicated romances. I love how Jace and Bethany, though they fall for each other hard and fast, still have to work for it. They aren’t perfect. Such a sexy and tender love.
Now I really can’t wait for Ash’s book (he’s secretly my favorite!).
Favorite Quote:
"Do you work out?" she blurted.
He halted at the edge of the tub, his hand gripping the side. He glanced up at her and then grinned. "Like what you see, baby?"
"You're beauiful."
For a moment he looked almost embarrassed. It was absolutely cute to see a thirty-eight-year-old man who wasso poised and confident falter for just a moment. She'd done that to him. Yeah, confidence was kind of nice for once.
"You're the beautiful one, Bethany. So damn beautiful that I can't get enough of staring at you. I stood there in the doorway watching you forever. I could look at you all day and never get tired of it."
Thoughts While Reading:
45.0% - "Wish there wasn't so much plot rehashing."
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