Review: Edible by Ella Frank
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Edible (Exquisite #3) by Ella Frank
Ella Frank (July 2, 2013(
Heroine: Rachel Langley – Pastry Chef, Marches to her own beat
Hero: Cole Madison – Lawyer, Persistent
Edible is wickedly delicious, sinfully sexy, and meltingly romantic. I will never look at caramel sauce again without thinking naughty thoughts. Ella Frank writes some of the most beautiful, original, and sexy romantic contemporaries that leave me craving more Every. Single. Time. Ella Frank, I bow down to you woman!
Rachel Langley is part owner of the restaurant Exquisite. Her brother, Mason, owns the other part. She also works in her mother’s flower shop. She’s overworked, tired, feeling lonely, and jealous of her brother and friends relationships. But she's too scared to date. The first man she loved, abused her. Now she's afraid of men that are dominant. She needs to be in control – which is why she dates men that are all wrong for her. So when she meets Cole, in the story Entice, for the first time at a club named Whipped, she puts up a wall and refuses him, knowing he has a strong and dominant personality. And THAT scares her. No matter how hard she tries to deny her attraction towards Cole, she can't. She's magnetically drawn to him.
Cole Madison is a successful lawyer, gorgeous, passionate, confident, and Mr. Bossy Pants. He definitely does not take no for an answer. Ever since he met Rachel, he can’t get the beautiful woman, who has multi-colored hair and wears sexy leather, out of his mind. He wants her. Bad. Cole finally gets his chance with Rachel when he runs into her at the subway for the first time since Whipped. She tries her best to avoid him, but that’s not easy when Cole is a man who oozes sex and dominance. Not to mention the subtle way he seduced her with a piece of caramel candy. Now that he has her full attention, he schmoozes his way into her life. He thought he would get her out of his system by proposing she stay a week with him and, while she's there, he owns her body. But he was in for a real surprise when he finds out that he never wants to let Rachel go. The sexy and erotic fling turns into a real relationship that is passionate, all-consuming, and... permanent.
I want Cole for myself! The man is scrumptious. He is passion and tenderness and oh, so very naughty. I love his dirty mouth, his addiction to caramel, and most of all... his bossiness. He successfully broke Rachel out of her shell and unraveled her secrets that kept her bound to her fear of dominant men. He showed her she can trust again. He never tried to change who she is. He wanted the spontaneous and outgoing Rachel exactly the way she is. And Cole is definitely not what you see, what you get. Underneath the suit and tie there is a sexy pierced and tattooed man that is just simply delectable…
“Underneath that carefully put together suit was a whole new beast, a beast covered in tattoos and – Are his nipples pierced? Fuck!
Rachel is such a great heroine. I love her colorful and outgoing personality. The fear she had towards a strong and domineering man slowly dissipated when she started trusting Cole. To her surprise, she was turned on by Cole’s demands, especially since she knew immediately he would never hurt her. She submitted to him easily. There was no bondage. This is not a BDSM relationship. Cole is a dominant sexual partner that doesn't need nor want bondage, just control in the bedroom. As Cole slowly clears away the sadness and loneliness that consumed Rachel’s life for so long, she finds true love and happiness with him.
Rachel and Cole spark and sizzle. This couple had my undivided attention, they were so sensual and erotic. My insides melted. And, like I said, I will never look at caramel sauce again without thinking naughty thoughts...
“Fucking hell,” he cursed as she sucked on his fingers in a way that made his cock jealous. When he finally pulled them free from her mouth, he released her chin and gripped her hair firmly. “Suck me, Rachel. Put those sticky lips around my cock and suck it good.”
Besides the many, MANY wicked sex scenes between these two, they develop a relationship that is genuinely sweet and romantic and exciting. It does have an insta-love vibe to it, but Miz Frank makes it work. The way they banter playfully together is so entertaining and fun. I love the tingly good feeling I got the whole time reading. And my cheeks ached I smiled so much. This story is definitely swoon-worthy.
It was good to get together with the rest of the gang from the first two books, especially Mason, who is my most favorite in the series. Poor Mason – ever so protective of his little sister didn’t know what to do when she and Cole got together. He knew he couldn’t protect her forever and had to let her go. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a few freak out and caveman moments.
Exquisite, Entice, Edible… are all such incredible books in the Exquisite series. If you haven’t read any of them, you are totally missing out! Edible is a fabulous way to end an amazing series but I am so SAD this series is over. Saying goodbye to these characters made me shed a few tears. But I’m a fangirl of Ella Frank for life and will read whatever she writes. After reading the teaser at the end of Edible for the first book in The Temptation Trilogy, I’m definitely looking forward to Logan’s story. But you must read Edible to find out who Logan is. Miz Frank keep bringing on the hotness!
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