Review: The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan
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Brother's Sinister #0.5
Historical / Georgian
April 21 2012 (Courtney Milan)
Rating: A
Heat: Warm
Heroine: Serena Barton - Governess, Pregnant
Hero: Hugo Marshall - Tortured, Former Pugilist
Setting: England
Review: It is a rare thing indeed for me to give a novella a five star rating. Me and novellas don't often get along. For one, they're short. Which typically means there isn't a lot to them. Not enough there for me to sink my teeth in. Really invest in.
That isn't the case with The Governess Affair. You get a since of history, you see the characters develop, and - what! - there is actually a plot with substance. And, boy, did I invest in this story.
Serena is a strong, smart woman. Stubborn. Resilient. And the epitome of "won't take no for an answer." It was wonderful to see her will battle against Hugo's. And even more wonderful to see her not back down.
And Hugo. He is a great balance to Serena. As tough and determined as he is, he is not without compassion. And he is definitely a straight-shooter, a no nonsense kind of man. It was touching the way Serena caused ever-growing cracks in his facade.
Their love story was tender and memorable. The HEA was well executed. And the epilogue - where we meet the young men who will grow up to be the heroes in the upcoming Brothers Sinister series - was perfect. I love how Milan allowed us a peak at their past before we read their individual books.
This novella is well worth the $0.99! And I am very, very much looking forward to the other books in this series... Oliver's in particular!
Favorite Quote:
“You could make me say it again," he whispered. "Make me say it always. Make me say it so often that you never have cause to doubt. I love you.”
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