Review: Moonglow by Kristen Callihan
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Moonglow (Darkest London) by Kristen Callihan
Historical / Paranormal
2012-07-31 (Forever)
Heroine: Daisy Craigmore – Widow, Sensitive Sniffer
Hero: Ian Ranulf – Marquis, Werewolf
Setting: England
I feel... torn, when it comes to this book. Part of me wants to blame it on my mood, maybe, and another part thinks it was the book itself. It'd probably be safe to simply blame it on both. But while I loved a great many parts, as a whole, me and Moonglow only have a "like" thing going on.
Firstly, other than familiar characters and a familiar locale - this almost felt like a separate series from Firelight.
For one, the supernatural aspect is increased almost exponentially. Where it was once just Miranda and her fire-starting capabilities, the mystery that was Archer, and the reveal of Ian as a werewolf - now it is a veritable monster-mash. Some of said supernaturals are the usual fare, and some were... utterly unique and unusual. And had me going, "Huh. Well, that's interesting."
But it almost became a case of too much all at once. There is a lot of mythology thrown at you in one novel. You're learning about werewolves, their clans and rules and customs, and then vampires enter the picture and then something else and something else and then two or three others. It made me long for the simplicity of Firelight and yet... I really want to learn more about two of the new supernaturals. I mean, move over vamps and weres - I want more GIMs.
As to what a GIM is, well, I'd really rather not ruin it... but I will say it is an acronym for Ghost in the Machine. Intrigued? Yeah, me too.
For two... I really don't know how to qualify it - a feeling of being so markedly different from book one. Maybe, partly, it is due to a lack of the Gothic feel so prevalent in Firelight? Perhaps that's it...
Another point of conflict for me is Daisy and Ian. I like them. Both of them. I liked them together... it just took too long for the actual getting together. And they didn't set the pages on fire, for me, but they did spark.
Daisy, as well as her nose, is very sensitive. After the hell her husband - and his friends in the ton - put her through, I don't blame her. I'd have a myriad of insecurities too. She also feels things strongly and with great emotion, and she cares deeply and is quietly passionate. But she came across wishy-washy, which I am really not a fan of. Her and Ian's banter was fun, but when it came down to it - she floundered a lot longer than was necessary.
And Ian. He is protective and sentimental and very reserved. And he uses humor and flirtation as his shields. Again, I can see how his past would make him so. While not tortured, I'd call him... very unfortunate. Or, seriously so. But I never truly felt it. The recanting of it all didn't resonate with me.
So, while I can say I liked them, I didn't love them. Not nearly as much as I did Miranda and Archer.
I did, however, love the mystery. In Firelight, the mystery surrounded a man - Archer - and his mask. In this book, it is a whodunit. And it is done well. It kept me interested throughout, and the weaving in of detective Winston Lane's investigation along with Daisy and Ian's was great (though Winston did steal the show oftentimes). There is a bit of a Bad Guy Monologue near the end, which always feels flat to me... but once that was over, the true reveal of the murdering werewolf was touching and sad. It had a poignant resolution.
All in all, Moonglow was a very entertaining read. Inventive and imaginative. And sexy as hell (sneaky thumbs, whew, that's all I'll say...). Once again, I'm eagerly looking forward to the next book - Poppy and Winston's. The developments between those two should make for a very complicated love story... and I do so love a man with scars.
Favorite Quote:
He didn't miss the way her pupils dilated with desire and excitement. It fueled his.
"Because you deserve pleasure, lass." He flipped open a snap, the inhuman strength in his fingers making it easy. "You deserve to be well and thoroughly loved."
Thoughts While Reading:
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