Review: A Siren’s Song by Saranna DeWylde
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A Siren’s Song: Part Two of Ride of the Darkyrie by Saranna DeWylde
Urban Fantasy
Sea Goddess Books (October 9, 2012)
Heroine: Brynn Hill – Cop, Darkyrie
Hero: Jason Grimes – Cop, Partner
Hero: The Cross – Siren, Seeking Revenge
Setting: Kansas, USA
*This is a serial series, part two of four installments. Part three releases in November! Click here for my review of Part One: Waking the Queen.
Part two of Ride of the Darkyrie, A Siren’s Song, really ratchets up the action, drama, and intrigue. As well as the sex and gore. It gives us a peak, a teasing reveal, into who Brynn is, who Jason and the Cross are, and how they all fit together.
This world and the mythos woven into it is so damn neat. Very Norse-inspired, with references to Hel, Ragnarok, Odin, and a few other key players and places. I’m not an expert in Norse mythology, by any means, and Miz DeWylde has done an excellent job of mixing what I know with what I don’t—and, of course, adding her own unique twists—into a mind melding mix of... awesome.
Brynn Hill is the once and future Queen of Hel, as well as a cop with the Kansas City Police Dept. As a Darkyrie, THE hunter of hunters, she is the top predator on the preyful food chain. Her quarry: serial killers, murderers, rapists, and any other bottom of the barrel scum. Calculating and driven, she is most certainly inhuman and it shows. Brynn’s thought process and emotions (or, often, lack thereof) are unique. The connection between her and her prey, the way she hears them and sees them—feels them—has me fascinated. Because even though she is otherworldly, and could be considered cold, there is also a vulnerability deep within her. It makes her a relatable heroine.
And then there is the Cross. The anti-hero. Scarred and with a voice that could make angels weep (he is a siren, after all), he is set on his course for revenge at all costs. Wicked and vengeful and even outright malicious, he is also somehow Brynn’s best source for information. Connected to a past Helreggin, the Cross can’t get even with Brynn until she once again resembles her former self. The Cross is... distinct. You haven’t read a hero (using that term loosely at this point) quite like him. He is beastly and boorish in all the right ways. And he trips my trigger in a big way.
Last but not least, we have Jason Grimes—the person who should be giving Brynn the answers she needs. Jason is moody and has a penchant for disappearing. Really. Where does that man, with his impeccable since of timing, go? One minute he’s there, the next he isn’t. And when he isn’t playing hide and seek, he’s demanding and forceful and… confusing! I can’t get a read on him. The small little tidbits we do learn in this installment have me torn.
The murder case that is the overall mystery has me riveted. Women’s bodies, seemingly being mummified over night, are turning up night after night in a seedy motel. With no clear M.O.—the woman are all ethnicities, social classes, etc.—Brynn and Jason have their work cut out for them. And Brynn has to be extra careful, as the murderer is now leaving her gifts and clues.
A Siren’s Song has murder and mystery and is chock full of blood and carnage. Very dark and ugly and twisted. I can’t wait to delve further into it as well as Brynn’s past, her future. Her father. These cliffhanger endings are pretty killer, but I’m loving it anyway! If you love your Urban Fantasy deliciously dark, if you like heroines who kick ass, heroes and anti-heroes who make your heart stutter—this serial series is for you!
Favorite Quote:
“What are you doing?” I demanded. “You keep grabbing me like I belong to you. I don’t.” But I made no move to free myself. I didn’t want to, it felt too good. The way his knee fit between my thighs, his broad chest against my breasts, and the solid weight of him pinning me against the wall.
He leaned closer. “You used to. And I belonged to you.”
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