Quickie: The Hunter by Saranna DeWylde
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The Hunter: Part Three of Ride of the Darkyrie by Saranna DeWylde
Urban Fantasy
Sea Goddess Books (January 7, 2013)
Heroine: Brynn Hill – Cop, Darkyrie
Hero: Jason Grimes – Cop, Partner
Hero: The Cross – Siren, Seeking Revenge
Setting: Kansas, USA
*This is a serial series, part three of four. My reviews of the previous parts: Part One: Waking the Queen and Part Two: A Siren’s Song.
I love this series. I really do. Every time a new installment is released, I do a little happy dance in my chair. My first loves are Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance but, lately, those genres have seen an influx of novels and (sorry!) the quality seems to be suffering for the quantity. I love my growling werewolves and my moody vampires as much as the next girl... but I really love when an author decides to do something completely new. Miz DeWylde has done that with Ride of the Darkyrie.
I am completely absorbed by this world and its unique mythos. Wrapped up in the characters, all of whom don't follow the usual rules. You have heroes that behave like bad guys. A heroine who can not only play with the big boys but beats them at their game. You never know what's going to happen next. What the characters are going to do or become. And, I’ve got to say, it’s all just pretty darn cool. Badass.
In The Hunter we finally get to see Brynn's powers. A peak at what the Queen of Hel can do and why she’s a formidable opponent. More of Brynn’s past is exposed—which reveals some game-changing truths. It also delves deeper into who Jason is and why he’s with Brynn. And, of course, the Cross is there doing what he does best: complicating Brynn’s life even further. Same as the Capri killer, who is also giving his A-game in this installment. And by A-game, I mean he really ramps up the creepy and continues ‘playing’ with Brynn.
We’re also introduced to other species and learn how they interact with each other. Demons, vampires, werewolves, demigods, gods... and they walk among us as cops and gang leaders and serial killers. All of which have a clear dark side to them. Because Ride of the Darkyrie doesn't just flirt with darkness but embraces it. Owns it. And doesn’t bother with trying to pretty it up.
If you haven’t yet tried this series, now is a perfect time! You’ll devour all three installments in one night.
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