Review: A Terrible Love by Marata Eros
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A Terrible Love by Marata Eros
Contemporary / New Adult
Gallery Books (April 26, 2013)
Heroine: Jessica Mackey – In Hiding, Ballerina
Hero: Devin Castile – Quiet, Large and in Charge
Jess Mackey, formerly Jewell MacLeod, is in hiding after witnessing her step brother murder her best friend. Jess is trying to live her life, going to college in Washington, but struggles with pretending to be someone else. When her best friend urges (aka tricks) her into trying out for the local ballet company, pretending gets even harder. Because ballet is her lifelong passion and love and Jess was born to dance.
Things get even more complicated when Devin Castile and Mitch Maverick enter the picture. Devin is quiet, watchful, intense, and - yeah - a tall drink of muscular man candy. Where as Mitch comes across gentler, less intense, like the obvious safe choice... And Jess can't decide who she wants, even though Devin sparks passion and lust in her like no other.
I liked the premise. A girl in hiding from her stepbrother, who is sick and twisted and got away with it because his father (Jess' stepfather) is a Senator. I understood why she'd want to runaway from a sociopath like that, who basically has a Get Out of Jail Free card.
I also liked Jess as a character. She experienced something horrific and still hasn't given up. She's watchful, cautious, but is still open to making friends. And the friends she's chosen are good ones. They're ladies lady's and I appreciate that.
And, of course, I enjoyed the sex scenes. They were pretty darn hot... and plentiful. Jess and Devin, when they get down, they get down and dirty and it is delightful. I like a man who's not afraid to manhandle his woman a bit. *wink*
But... the dialogue was not there between them. As in, Devin and Jess never have a meaningful conversation. And I was not a fan of the love triangle. At. All. Jess' wishy-washiness was tedious at times, since she clearly never had feelings for Mitch and was only using him to distance Devin.
I also had a problem with the pacing and plot. Until the last 30% - nothing really happens. Jess goes to class. Jess goes to ballet practice. Jess goes to a club. Repeat. In between, her and Devin do it... And some creepy dude who hates women shows up and acts all misogynistic and scary.
I truly did enjoy A Terrible Love but it needed more. More dialogue. More depth to the plot. More character growth. The last 30% was golden though. Full of twists and turns and drama. It had me flipping the pages, worrying about what was going to happen next.
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